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Capacity and Demand of Four Major Types of Terminal in Coastal Port (2006) (3-3)

2006 Total

2006 Capacity

Throughput estimated (2010)

Main ports coal throughput: 0.41 billion tons

Ship-loading capacity: 0.425 billion tons, unloading capacity: 0.36 billion tons

Coal throughput: 0.56 billion tons

Main ports oil import throughput: 0.14 billion tons

16 coastal oil berths with 100,000 dwt or above, handling capacity: 0.175 billion tons

Import unloading throughput: 0.19 billion tons

Main ports iron ore import throughput: 0.33 billion tons

Unloading capacity of 100,000dwt- berths: 0.27 billion tons

Foreign trade importing throughput: 0.44-0.54 billion tons

Main ports container throughput: 93.61 million TEU

Total handling capacity of specialized container berths: 83.5 million TEU

Container throughput about 0.15 billion TEU

(September 19,2008)

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